Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof


7.44 Brandstätte Backofen + Oven + 烤箱 +
7.44 Brandstätte Feuerung + Heating + 暖气 +
7.44 Brandstätte Grillplatz + Barbecue + 烧烤 +
7.44 Brandstätte Hochofen + Blast furnace + 高炉 +
7.44 Brandstätte Ofen + Oven + 烤箱 +
7.44 Brandstätte das Rohr + the tube + +
7.44 Brandstätte Esse + Forge + 伪造 +
7.44 Brandstätte Meiler + Meiler + Meiler +
7.44 Brandstätte Bunsenbrenner + Bunsen burner + 本生灯 +
7.44 Brandstätte Gaskocher + Gas cooker + 煤气炉 +
7.44 Brandstätte Heizkessel + Boiler + 锅炉 +
7.44 Brandstätte Retorte + Retort + 反驳 +